The Ugly Truth-Our Mental Health System

On a more serious note, or Blog should I say. I would like to talk about something that hits very close to home and personal for me. Our Mental Health System and the truth is there isn’t one, a system that is. Most people will turn a blind eye to this subject because they don’t want to face the truth, or they just don’t care. However, I WILL NOT turn away from this subject. I will fight and I will be heard.

Back in early times, there was no mental illness people would like you to believe, instead you were classified as evil and locked away and forgotten about. That is called turning a blind eye. In today’s society mental illness is recognized but is it really?

My son was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his late teens early 20’s. His first trip to the hospital he was put with drug addicts and criminals. Why I ask? well, that’s just how it is. There is not enough staff or not enough room again WHY? How do you think that makes that person feel. Here is what happens in those type of places they medicate you with whatever they feel like medicating you with and then kick you out. That is so they do not have to deal with you, and do they treat you as a person no they treat you like a drug addict or criminal. My son now 35, has had several different jobs only to be let go because it’s hard for him he is either getting sick from his meds or some stressor sets him off. I am not going to lie the last year has been very challenging for both of us. He has been in 3 different hospitals, on several different medications and his doctor is in it just for the money because there is no way this man cares about his patients and really, he should hang up his medical license and think about a different type of license like maybe fishing or hunting. In gentler words, RETIRE.

A couple of Sundays ago I turned on the tv and there was a program on public TV I was just about to change the channel, but the program interested me. It was called Mind Matters with Dr Michele and Debbie Stabenow was talking about how the Biden administration has allocated millions of dollars to our Mental Health System and how no person shall wait for help or sit in waiting rooms for hours until being seen and there are all kinds of help out there for the mentally ill. I call BULLSHIT. I immediately got on my computer and emailed Mrs. Stabenow because on the program she said the best way to get a hold of her is via email so that’s what I did. I emailed her that my son waiting on a floor of a hospital waiting room for 24 hours until they decided he needed to be sent to a mental health facility only to be let go even after a judge ordered him to stay there for at least 30 days. Two days after that order he was let go, why because they probably needed the space for a drug addict or criminal. Things got much worse, and police were involved. I will say this though the police were much more caring and considerate then any of the doctors or hospitals were. Thank You to the Macomb County Sheriffs Dept. You deserve so much more than a simple thank you. I wrote and told Debbie Stabenow all of my concerns and I am not trying to make this political because it’s not and that’s a whole different subject anyway. I explained how I can’t even find a therapist or a new doctor for him because I get the same runaround, we don’t accept Medicaid and the ones that do take Medicaid to get around not accepting it use the excuse that we are not taking on new patients. I can go on and on about this and what the challenges are we are still facing such as SSI disability on why they keep denying him to the point where I have to get an attorney involved again WHY? well because they would rather give SSI Disability to Meth Heads or people that abuse the system who clearly don’t deserve it. TRUE STATEMENT and That is THE UGLY TRUTH

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